<p>The Department for Transport's survey of Travel Concession Authorities (TCAs) in 2012 showed that Nottinghamshire TCA forecast 176,000 older and disabled persons bus passes on issue to residents for the financial year 2012-13. Owing to incomplete returns it is not possible to give a total for the east midlands. It is estimated that in England there are around 10 million bus passes. Further information is published in Table BUS0821 and Table BUS0890 at:</p><p>https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/bus08-concessionary-travel</p><p>The survey collects information at TCA level so the Department does not hold information for individual parliamentary constituencies such as Ashfield.</p><p>The Department's National Travel Survey (NTS) asks the respondents to estimate the time it takes to walk to the nearest bus stop as part of the household interview. Figures for the east midlands and England can be found in the published table NTS9916 at:</p><p>https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/nts99-travel-by-region-and-area-type-of-residence</p><p>NTS sample sizes do not allow for analysis of smaller geographic areas.</p><p>The Department does not collect any information on distances to the nearest bus stop.</p>