UK aid to India and Pakistan supports national programmes that work in, and benefit, both Indian and Pakistan administered Kashmir. Our support to the Government of India's universal primary education programme (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) and National AIDS Control Programme includes Indian administered Kashmir. Our support to the Government of Pakistan's National Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Programme also includes Pakistan administered Kashmir. The proportion of this aid spent in Indian and Pakistan administered Kashmir since May 2010 cannot be provided without incurring disproportionate cost. UK bilateral aid to India in 2010-11 totalled £278.9 million while UK bilateral aid to Pakistan in 2010-11 totalled £202.9 million.UK aid has helped to rebuild bridges and schools in 2010-11 in Pakistan administered Kashmir as part of the Department for International Development's (DFID's) earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitation programme. Many of these projects are now reaching completion, with spend in 2010-11 totalling almost £8 million—9% of the £84 million committed.Under our International Partnership Agreement Programme, DFID also provided £82,928 between April 2010 and November 2011 to support Save the Children's work in Indian administered Kashmir.