The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the Authority to reply.Letter from Stephen Penneck, dated December 2010:"As Director General for the Office for National Statistics, I have been asked to reply to your recent Parliamentary Question to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what estimate she has made of the number of immigrants to the UK in (a) 2010, (b) 2011, (c) 2012, (d) 2013, (e) 2014 and (f) 2015. (29874)""The most recent population projections of the UK are based on the mid-year population estimates for 2008. Assumptions of future migration are made to produce population projections. The assumed net migration, given in the table below, is used in the production of the projections. The assumptions for in-migration and out-migration are by-products of this process and do not feed directly into producing projections. Long-term international migration data produced by the ONS applies the UN definition of someone who moves from their country of previous residence for a period of at least a year, irrespective of citizenship.""Note the data presented are mid-year to mid-year and are not available by calendar year."<Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><thead><tr><th>2008-based National Population Projections—assumed annual migration, UK</th></tr></thead><TR><TD></TD><TD>2009-10</TD><TD>2010-11</TD><TD>2011-12</TD><TD>2012-13</TD><TD>2013-14</TD><TD>2014-15¹</TD></TR><TR><TD>In-migration</TD><TD>670,800</TD><TD>670,800</TD><TD>670,800</TD><TD>670,800</TD><TD>670,800</TD><TD>670,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>Out-migration</TD><TD>465,000</TD><TD>470,000</TD><TD>475,000</TD><TD>480,000</TD><TD>485,000</TD><TD>490,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>Net migration</TD><TD>205,800</TD><TD>200,800</TD><TD>195,800</TD><TD>190,800</TD><TD>185,800</TD><TD>180,000</TD></TR><tfoot><TR><td>¹ The projections assume constant levels of annual net migration beyond 2014-15.</td></TR><TR><td>Source:</td></TR><TR><td>Office for National Statistics</td></TR></tfoot></Table>"National population projections are available from the Office for National Statistics website at:""http://www.statistics.gov.uk/statbase/Product.asp?vlnk=8519""The national population projections are not forecasts and do not attempt to predict the impact that future government policies, changing economic circumstances or other factors (whether in the UK or overseas) might have on demographic behaviour. They simply provide the population levels and age structure that would result if the underlying assumptions about future fertility, mortality and migration were to be realised." |