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Written answer
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Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
In line with the outcome of the UK Department for International Development (DFID)'s March 2011 Bilateral Aid Review (BAR), DFID will complete its bilateral programme in Iraq in March 2012. The BAR made the assessment that while Iraq continues to face development challenges, it is a middle income country with huge potential. In this context, the multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and the World Bank, which will continue to receive core funding from DFID, are better placed to help it to realise the next stage of its development. During the past year, UK Aid has:"Helped the Government of Iraq to develop a clear policy framework for implementing its strategic priorities and thus better respond to the needs of Iraqi citizens, through publication of Iraq's Strategic Government programme and the establishment of two central Government institutions responsible for policy coordination and development;""Delivered four expert assessments helping the Government of Iraq undertake reforms to make it easier to do business and invest in Iraq;""Helped over 240 staff and students benefit from professional development opportunities and courses through 35 development partnerships between Iraqi, UK and other universities;""Provided humanitarian support for over 1.3 million Iraqi children and their families, delivering access to health care for 250,000 boys and 250,000 girls, providing 740,000 Iraqis with access to safe drinking water, and helping 80,000 children secure access to education."After March 2012, DFID will continue to deliver development results in Iraq through core funding to the multilateral organisations, and via regional initiatives with the International Monetary Fund to improve macroeconomic governance, and with the International Finance Corporation on private sector development. Through the Arab Partnership initiative the UK will continue to support reforms in Iraq for a stable, democratic and prosperous future, and the UK Government Conflict Pool will continue to focus on stabilisation and conflict prevention.
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer