<p>The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) sets objectives for grant funding when designing grant schemes and allocates funding in accordance with those objectives. The department and its public bodies deliver all grant funding with regard to the Government Functional Standard GovS 015: Grants.</p><p>DCMS provides the Poetry Society with an annual grant to support the work of the Poet Laureate. This grant is paid in arrears and is up to £13,100 per annum (and can be increased by up to the rate of RPIX for each financial year). Five per cent of this grant is taken by the Poetry Society to cover the cost of hosting the role, including administration costs. The remaining 95 per cent goes to the individual nominated by the Poet Laureate to fulfil a part-time support role to assist with the large volume of public enquiries and administration. To ensure that this grant is used effectively to support the work of the Poet Laureate, the Poetry Society provides DCMS with regular updates on the activity of the support role.</p><p>The Poetry Society is a National Portfolio Organisation and therefore also receives regular annual funding from Arts Council England. ACE monitors the outputs of all national portfolio organisations throughout the funding period to ensure they deliver their agreed plans and activity.</p>