<p>DFID does not give aid directly to Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize or Panama. In 2010-11 and 2011-12, DFID did not provide any bilateral development aid to these countries.</p><p>DFID does not give aid directly to Guatemala. However, in 2010-11 DFID provided £100,000 in the form of humanitarian assistance in response to the Guatemalan floods.</p><p>In 2010-11 DFID provided bilateral development aid to two programmes in Nicaragua. The Caribbean Coast Development Programme was delivered through a Trust Fund arrangement with the World Bank Nicaragua office and focused on improving water, sanitation, energy infrastructure and nutrition for children on the Caribbean Coast where poverty in Nicaragua is highest. The second programme, Enhancing Small Enterprise Growth of Nicaragua through the Development of Existing Value Chains, was delivered through a delegated management arrangement with the embassy of Finland in Nicaragua and aimed to enhance micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) growth with a particular focus on the provision of opportunities for women and excluded populations.</p><p>DFID's regional programme assists criminal asset recovery in Belize.</p> |