The latest figures available for refreshment costs are from April 2011 to February 2012. The figures are not separately recorded to identify which of these costs were for staff and which were for external visitors. The figures for the last three years are shown in the following table:<Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><TR><TD>Financial year</TD><TD>Total spend (£)</TD></TR><TR><TD>2011-12</TD><TD>25,778.13</TD></TR><TR><TD>2010-11</TD><TD>73,047.15</TD></TR><TR><TD>2009-10</TD><TD>180,036.40</TD></TR></Table>Costs for refreshments have significantly reduced compared to previous years; due to changes in the Department's travel and subsistence guidance restricting the use of working lunches and the ordering of refreshments. |