Mr. Beggs: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what provision there is for respite care for adults with special needsin the Northern Health and Social Services Board Area; and what plans there are to increase provision in the constituency of EastAntrim. [131038]Angela Smith: The Northern Health and Social Services Board advises that the provision of respite services to support adults withspecial needs differs between the two Community Health and Social Services Trusts in its area.In Causeway Health and Social Services Trust service provision is almost exclusively through the Trust's own family based respitecare scheme. In Homefirst Health and Social Services Trust the model of provision is slightly different, drawing mainly on servicesprovided through a family based scheme run by the voluntary sector, while also using a limited amount of statutory sector provision.This year the Northern Health and Social Services Board provided additional resources to increase family based respite, inconjunction with the voluntary sector, in the East Antrim area. |