Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
James Peter Brokenshire
answer text
<p>The asset recovery incentivisation scheme aims to drive up activity on tackling criminal finances. 50% of recovered criminal assets are returned to the frontline bodies involved, and the other 50% is retained by the Home Office.</p><p>The money returned to front line bodies is not ring-fenced but should be used to increase asset recovery performance and/or be used for crime reduction for the benefit of the community.</p><p>The 50% retained by the Home Office is used to fund front line activity and crime fighting, including in Wales.</p><p>We are aware that across the UK, 94% of the assets recovered is used by frontline bodies to reinvest in financial investigation and asset recovery work, 4% is used in crime reduction and 2% is used in community projects. It is not possible to identify precise proportions of spending on projects in Wales.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Home Office
written answer has answering body
Home Office
Home Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
James Peter Brokenshire
answering person has answer