<p>Pursuant to the Answer of 30 June 2023 to Question <a href="https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2023-06-21/190540" target="_blank">190540</a> on Drax Power Station, at the request of Government, National Grid Electricity System Operator undertook discussions with the operators of two winter 2022/23 contingency coal plants to establish whether these arrangements could be extended for winter 2023/24.</p><p> </p><p>Last winter this cost was in the region of £340m to £395m, subject to the resale of unused coal. Costs for winter 23/24 were expected to be lower as the coal stocks from the previous winter were expected to be available to use.</p><p> </p><p>These discussions have now concluded.</p><p> </p><p>Both Drax and EDF have confirmed that they will not be able to make the coal units available next winter and have begun decommissioning their coal units.</p>