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Written answer
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answer has answering person
Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
Guyana is part of the Department for International Development (DFID)'s Caribbean regional programme, including support to mitigate and adapt to climate change.Guyana also benefits from multilateral and international programmes to which the UK contributes. The European Union, for example, supports sea defence strengthening, mangrove planting and management in Guyana to help counter the effects of sea level rise and storm surges, while the Climate Development and Knowledge Network provides advice and technical assistance on policy and investment decisions to improve resilience to climate change. In 2011-12, Guyana will also benefit from our support to the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation. An economic review of the impacts of climate change on Guyana's agriculture, coastal and human settlements and health is also under way with DFID assistance.
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer