Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Edward Jonathon Davey
answer text
In June 2009 the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) was merged with the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) to create the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).Since May 2010 BIS has recruited 14 people to fill posts requiring special skills not already available in the Department. We have also brought in 22 graduates as part of the annual Fast Stream recruitment round conducted on behalf of all Departments by the Cabinet Office.330 people left BIS under a voluntary exit scheme in September-October 2010. In February 2011 the Department launched a further voluntary redundancy scheme which is still ongoing, under which 220 people are currently scheduled to leave.This information for agencies and non-departmental public bodies is not held centrally and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
written answer has answering body
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Edward Jonathon Davey
answering person has answer