<p>Between 2003 and 2008, the project supported Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) to generate evidence to inform a public debate on corruption in Bangladesh, and increase transparency and accountability in the public, non-profit and private sectors.</p><p>TIB is a strong civil society organisation that consistently challenges the Government on issues of corruption and lack of accountability. TIB is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) registered in Bangladesh and is the Bangladesh chapter of NGO Transparency International.</p><p>TIB has campaigned for the promotion and development of institutions, laws and practices to combat corruption. A public information campaign made headline news of</p><p>corruption issues and made more people aware of their rights and responsibilities, and how to raise their voice against poor services and lack of accountability. At the local level, TIB supported committees of concerned citizens in 34 of the 64 districts in Bangladesh. The committees stopped payment of unauthorised fees; increased the distribution of school books; improved attendance of teachers in schools; and improved the distribution of safety net payments.</p>