Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Grant Shapps
answer text
<p>My Department currently has no committed plans to provide funding, although I understand that the Morecambe Winter Gardens Preservation Trust has submitted an expression of interest to the Coastal Communities Fund; any bid will be considered on its merits in due course.</p><p>We are committed to helping coastal and seaside towns, and my Department works across Government to support efforts to promote their economic regeneration and strengthen their appeal as places to live, work and visit.</p><p>The Coastal Communities Fund, launched earlier this year, supports the economic development of coastal communities by promoting growth and jobs. Other possible sources of help include the Regional Growth Fund and the European Regional Development Fund.</p><p>In January, my Department published a regeneration toolkit. This gives information on a range of tools and funding sources to help local areas to deliver growth and regeneration. A copy was placed in the Library of the House.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government
written answer has answering body
Department for Communities and Local Government
Department for Communities and Local Government
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Grant Shapps
answering person has answer