Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
John Henry Hayes
answer text
<p> </p><p>The Highways Agency closed the M180 eastbound carriageway between junction 3 and the M18 junction 5 in August 2014 to carry out essential maintenance to the carriageway. The work required deep excavation to carry out repairs to the concrete foundations and needed time for the concrete to harden and for the bituminous layers to cool and set before traffic could run on the finished road surface. This type of work is best carried out in the summer months when the weather conditions are most favourable.</p><p> </p><p>The decision to close the carriageway to carry out the works was based on balancing the impact of the works on motorists with an intention to minimise the overall duration of the works. It is clear now that this outcome was not achieved, the Agency recognises that road users suffered significant delays and it has apologised for this.</p><p>A thorough review of the planning and execution of the works is being carried out by the Agency and the lessons learnt from this will be used to mitigate any re occurrence of such delays.</p><p>The remaining work on the M180 has been re programmed so that it is carried out overnight when traffic flows are low. The Agency is re-consulting local authorities to agree traffic management proposals and diversion routes. Proposals will be scrutinised closely to ensure that they are robust and any residual risks are mitigated.</p><p> </p><p />
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for Transport
written answer has answering body
Department for Transport
Department for Transport
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
John Henry Hayes
answering person has answer