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Nicolas John Gibb
answer text
<p>The Condition Data Collection (CDC) is one of the largest and most comprehensive data collection programmes in the UK’s public sector. It collected data on the building condition of government funded schools in England. It provides a robust evidence base to enable the Department to target capital funding for maintaining and rebuilding school buildings.</p><p>The key, high level findings of the CDC programme were published in May 2021 in the ‘Condition of School Buildings Survey: Key Findings’ report. This is available at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p><p>Individual CDC reports have been shared with every school and their responsible body to use alongside their existing condition surveys to plan maintenance schedules and investment plans. The Department plans to publish detailed school level CDC data. The Department is still preparing the data and will publish it as soon as possible.</p><p>Well maintained, safe school buildings are a priority for the Department. Our funding is directed both to maintaining the condition of the school estate and rebuilding schools. The Department has allocated over £13 billion for improving the condition of schools since 2015, including £1.8 billion committed this financial year.</p><p>The ten year School Rebuilding Programme (SRP) is condition led. 400 of the 500 available places on the programme have been provisionally allocated. A list of these schools and the methodology used to select them is available at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p><p>The following table shows the constituencies specified that have schools or colleges selected for the SRP:</p><table><tbody><tr><td><p><strong>Parliamentary constituency </strong></p></td><td><p><strong>Schools selected for SRP</strong></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Warwick and Leamington</p></td><td><p><ul><li>St Peter's Catholic Primary School (announced December 2022)</li></ul></p></td></tr></tbody></table><p>The 239 schools announced in December 2022 will enter delivery at a rate of approximately 50 per year, over a five year period from 2023. The Department is currently undertaking due diligence on these schools prior to scheduling them, with schools prioritised according to the condition of their buildings, readiness to proceed, and efficiency of delivery. The scope and funding for each project will be confirmed following detailed feasibility studies and condition surveys of buildings.</p><p>Where a school identifies significant safety issues with a building, that cannot be managed within local resources, the Department considers additional support on a case-by-case basis. This includes applications for Urgent Capital Support (UCS) from eligible institutions. Schools eligible for Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) can apply for UCS where there are urgent health and safety issues that threaten school closure and cannot wait until the next CIF bidding round.</p>
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Department for Education
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Department for Education
Department for Education
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answering body has answer
question has answer
Nicolas John Gibb
answering person has answer