The Department for International Development's (DFID's) bilateral expenditure in Cambodia in each of the five years from 2005-06 to 2009-10 is published in 'Statistics on International Development' which is available on the DFID website and in the Library of the House. The relevant figures are reproduced in the following table.<Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><TR><TD>Financial year</TD><TD>DFID bilateral expenditure in Cambodia (£ million)</TD></TR><TR><TD>2005-06</TD><TD>13.1</TD></TR><TR><TD>2006-07</TD><TD>12.4</TD></TR><TR><TD>2007-08</TD><TD>12.8</TD></TR><TR><TD>2008-09</TD><TD>17.7</TD></TR><TR><TD>2009-10</TD><TD>15.8</TD></TR></Table>Total programme spend in Cambodia in 2010-11 is estimated to be £14.7 million. Final figures for 2010-11 will be published in DFID's annual report in July.