<p>The UK Government is strongly committed to mitigating the effects of landmines and other explosive remnants of war. The UK Government's mine action programme will realise our strategy ‘Creating a safer environment: clearing</p><p>landmines and other explosive remnants of war’ over three years. This programme will benefit at least 450,000 people and clear at least 1,400 hectares of land.</p><p>In Sri Lanka the UK is supporting the HALO Trust to implement its Mine Action programme. In the Kilinochchi District UK funded teams were allocated 22 areas, or 77,532m<Sup>2 </Sup>of land, to clear. This land is neededfor resettlement and agriculture. After six months of work 14 of theseareas have been cleared allowing internally displaced people to beginreturning home. Funding in Sri Lanka is committed until November 2013.No funding decisions have been made for 2013onwards.</p>