<p>The Saint Helena Government's Statistics Office has confirmed that the resident population of St Helena in June each year was:</p><p>2010 - 3966</p><p>2011 - 3982</p><p>2012 - 4050</p><p>2013 - 4220</p><p>2014 - 4349</p><p>2015 - 4458</p><p>2016 - 4542</p><p>2017 - 4345</p><p>2018 - 4554</p><p>2019 - 4346</p><p>The population increased during the construction of St Helena Airport (particularly between 2013 and 2016) but there was a slight fall in number before the airport opened for commercial flights in October 2017. In 2018 the resident population increased and subsequently fell in 2019 to around the same level as it was in 2014.</p>