Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Clare Short
answer text
Mrs. Gillan: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will list the aid projects being carried out jointlywith Zimbabwe, listing the amount of British aid in each case. [112115]Clare Short: Current projects in Zimbabwe are as follows:_________________________________________________________________________________________________.£ million1. Support for the Privatisation Agency 2.482. Farm Community Trust 1.63. Wills and Inheritance Laws Project 0.864. Women's Civic Education Project 0.985. Rural District Council Institutional 10.6Development6. National Water Resources Management 0.5Strategy7. Public Service Reforms 0.488. Police Organisational Development Project 6.449. Agricultural Services and Management 5.75support10. Assistance to Developing Enterprises 1.4Project11. Agribusiness Entrepreneur Network and 0.49Training Development12. Credit for the Informal Sector 1.313. Bikita Integrated Rural Water Supply and 2.27Sanitation Project14. Lupane Integrated Rural Water Supply and 3.54Sanitation Project15. Rural Water-Point Upgrading/Rehabilitation 0.87Project16. Small Dams Rehabilitation 1.9617. Bulilima-Mangwe Water Supply and 0.31Environmental Rehabilitation18. Community Based Maintenance of Water 0.24Points in Binga19. Small Engineering Workshops 0.3920. Sexual Health Project 9.221. Social Marketing of Condoms 2.022. Adolescent reproductive health education 0.523. Civil participation in Health Services 0.0424. Riders for Health 0.2825. Everyone's Child (AIDS orphans) 0.1726. Air Traffic Control Radar (Former ATP 4.3project)27. Police Landrover supply (Former ATP 8.5project)_________________________________________________________________________________________________.
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Clare Short
answering person has answer