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Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Mark Gino Francois
answer text
<p>Official data is only currently released up to 31 December 2012. During this period six Army personnel have died on four military establishments in Northern Ireland. The establishments are Masserene Barracks, Antrim; Alexander Barracks, Aldergrove; Abercorn Barracks, Ballykinler; and Kinnegar Logistics Base.</p><p>Due to the small numbers of personnel involved the breakdown by each year and the location of each death has not been provided. This is to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of individual identities which could cause upset and distress to relatives, to whom the MOD has a residual duty of care. This is in line with our usual policy in providing statistics.</p><p>We are aware of a further death at Ballykinler Barracks in 2013, although this will not be included in official statistics until they are updated in March 2014.</p><p>The causes of death for the six personnel are as follows:</p><p>One person died due to diseases of the circulatory system.</p><p>One person died due to other disease related conditions.</p><p>One person died that was given a suicide or open verdict.</p><p>Two people died due to violent causes.</p><p>One person died, the official cause of which is subject to the outcome of the coroner's inquest.</p><p>The causes of death have been presented in alignment with the National Statistics publication: Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Ministry of Defence
written answer has answering body
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Mark Gino Francois
answering person has answer