Mr. Streeter: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if the Government of the Solomon Islands have askedHer Majesty's Government for assistance in relation to recent civil disorder on the islands; and what assistance has been provided.[136631]Mr. Battle: In early August the Solomon Islands Government asked HMG to provide additional manpower and equipment for the RoyalSolomon Islands Police (RSIP). We are considering this request with other key players in the region, in the light of the TownsvillePeace Agreement which was agreed on 15 October.A World Bank delegation is in Honiara from 31 October until 7 November to assess the economic needs of the Solomon Islands andsuggest how donor countries can most effectively provide assistance. Missions from the International Monetary Fund and the AsianDevelopment Bank will make similar visits later this month. We will consider what further help we and our international partners canoffer in the light of the recommendations arising from these missions.