<p>The Skills Electrification Project was part of the Emerging Skills Projects, which were pilot projects funded by the department to identify future skills needs and develop high-quality modular courses to help address future skills gaps in key sectors.</p><p> </p><p>The Skills Electrification Project, as well as the other Emerging Skills Projects, were out to tender in 2021 and were developed and run by the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.</p><p> </p><p>The projects completed at the end of March 2022. Training material and modules are still available on the High Value manufacturing Catapult’s website, which can be found at: <a href="https://emergingskillsproject.com/electrification-units/" target="_blank">https://emergingskillsproject.com/electrification-units/</a>.</p><p> </p> |