<p>The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.</p><p>Letter from Peter Fullerton, dated November 2013:</p><p>On behalf of the Director General for the Office for National Statistics (ONS), I have been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Question asking the Minister for the Cabinet Office the number of people classed as being in recurring unemployment in (a) April 2010 and (b) the most recent date for which data is available. 176013</p><p>Estimates for recurring unemployment are not available. Unemployment estimates are derived from data collected in the Labour Force Survey but the survey does not contain any questions relating to respondents’ previous unemployment spells.</p><p>National and local area estimates for many labour market statistics, including employment, unemployment and claimant count are available on the NOMIS website at</p><p>http://www.nomisweb.co.uk</p> |