<p>The Chemicals Strategy will frame the work we are doing across chemicals and put us on a path for improved chemicals management. It will address our approach to managing Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), along with other emerging chemicals of concern.</p><p> </p><p>Work is underway across government to assess levels of PFAS occurring in the environment, their sources and potential risks to inform future policy and regulatory approaches. In the UK REACH Work Programme for 2021-22, Defra asked the EA and HSE to examine the risks posed by PFAS and develop a 'Regulatory Management Options Analysis' (RMOA). The RMOA will be published in Spring 2023 and will make recommendations for risk management measures. Defra and the Devolved Administrations will carefully consider these recommendations as we take forward our broader approach to PFAS management.</p><p> </p><p>We are already committed to leading efforts to protect the marine environment and counter marine pollution. The UK Marine Strategy Programme of Measures sets out a comprehensive list of actions that HM Government is taking to reduce pollution in the marine environment and move us towards Good Environmental Status in our seas.</p>