According to the latest figures from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, overall unemployment in Gaza declined from 38% in 2010 to 26% in the second quarter of 2011. Youth unemployment has declined over the same period, but remains very high at 38% for 15 to 29-year-olds. We are concerned that this upward trend in employment is unsustainable. Many of those now employed are working in short-term jobs created as a result of a construction boom fuelled by trade through the Hamas-controlled tunnels and a modest increase in international reconstruction projects. Overall labour force participation remains very low at less than 40%.UK aid is supporting over 340 companies in Gaza to generate jobs for over 1,900 unemployed Gazans. We continue to urge the Israeli Government to ease movement and access restrictions on Gaza to support the rebuilding of the Gazan economy and improve access to work for ordinary Gazans.