The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.Letter from Stephen Penneck, dated March 2012:"As Director-General for the Office for National Statistics, I have been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Question asking the Minister for the Cabinet Office what partnership work the Office for National Statistics is currently engaged in (102307).""ONS does not hold a central list of all partnership work, which could include commercial or non-commercial arrangements, concordats, Memorandum of understanding or Service Level Agreements, Key Accounts, arrangements with government departments, local authorities, educational or research organisations.""Examples of partnership working include:""For the recent 2011 Census, ONS worked in partnership with each of the Local Authority in England and Wales.""ONS has an on-going partnership with Royal Statistical Society to support the Centre for Statistical Education.""ONS hold contracts with Fujitsu and MITIE who provide IM and property services respectively.""In addition, ONS considers the following organisations as Key Accounts:""Bank of England""Cabinet Office""Department for Business, Innovation and Skills""Department for Communities and Local Government""Department for Culture, Media and Sport""Department for Education and Skills""Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs""Department of Health""Department for Transport""Department for Work and Pensions""Economic and Social Research Council""Eurostat""General Register Office""General Registry Office Scotland""Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs""HM Treasury""Home Office""Local Government Association""Ministry of Defence""Ministry of Justice""National Audit Office""NHS Information Centre""Northern Ireland Statistical Research Agency""Office for Budget Responsibility""Royal Statistical Society—Statistics User Forum""Scottish Government""UK Border Agency""UK Parliament""Welsh Government" |