<p>Fusion energy has the potential to be the ultimate clean power solution, representing a low carbon, safe, continuous and sustainable source of energy. Fusion creates more energy per gram than any other process achievable on Earth, and unlike other methods of energy generation such as wind or solar power, does not depend on any external factors, meaning it can be deployed continuously at the point of need. Fusion also offers potential to be one of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy on earth. Its processes require hydrogen and lithium, both of which are widely available in many parts of the world. Moreover, the reaction does not emit any CO2 or other harmful emissions into our atmosphere and fusion power plants are not expected to create the very long-lived, high-level radioactive waste associated with fission.</p><p> </p><p>The UK is widely recognised as a world-leader in fusion. To capitalise on this opportunity, the Government is investing over £700m in UK fusion research programmes and facilities over the next three years, and in February announced the formation of UK Industrial Fusion Solutions to deliver the STEP prototype fusion energy plant at West Burton in Nottinghamshire.</p> |