The African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) has established an increasingly effective presence in Darfur, and, in his most recent report on Darfur, the UN Secretary-General praises their ‘commendable efforts'. AMIS now numbers some 6,885 personnel, including 1,300 African Union (AU) police officers. The UK and other international partners recently participated in a joint assessment mission with the AU to examine the effectiveness of the mission. The recommendations and conclusions of this report are due to be discussed by the AU at their Political and Security Council meeting on 12 January. We have made clear that we stand ready to help the AU implement the recommendations of this report and improve the effectiveness of the mission, most recently at the EU/AU Troika in Bamako on 2 December 2005, when the issue was raised by my noble Friend, Lord Triesman of Tottenham, the Minister for Africa.The UK has committed £19 million funding this financial year to AMIS. This brings our total contribution to AMIS, since its inception, to almost £32 million. This money is to provide equipment, including a further 460 vehicles in addition to the original 450, as well as military and civilian policing advice, expertise and training. Some of our contribution will also fund airlift of troops into Darfur, and further troop rotation this year. |