In February 2009, DFID contributed £650,000 to the United Nations 2008 Flash Appeal for the Kyrgyz Republic. The appeal aimed to help support the needs of some two million people as well as to ensure continuation of essential services. DFID's support was provided to: (a) the World Food Programme (WFP) to ensure food access for the 580,000 most vulnerable people (£500,000); and (b) the Office of the UN Resident Co-ordinator in Bishkek to strengthen its co-ordination capacity for implementation of the Flash Appeal and design and implementation of early recovery programmes (£150,000).In 2010, following the violent conflict in the South of Kyrgyzstan, DFID did not directly fund the UN appeal, but made a contribution through a number of international organisations, including: (a) the UN Central Emergency Fund (CERF) which allocated $8 million in response to the situation; and (b) the European Commission which earmarked up to €5 million for emergency aid on top of €6 million allocated from its Instrument for Stability in response to the initial unrest in April 2010 (the UK provided approximately 15% of this EU expenditure).I have deposited in the Library of the House copies of the UN Flash Appeal 2008 Final Report and Lessons Learned (2009), WFP's Post Distribution Report (October 2009) and UNDP's Report on Addressing Energy, Food and Economic Insecurities in Kyrgyzstan (November 2009). |