Mrs. Gillan: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will list the projects sponsored by her Departmentin Zimbabwe for (a) 1998-99 and (b) 1999-2000, giving their value and expected expiration date. [61851]Clare Short: Projects where the Department for International Development's commitment is over £0.5 million are listed. Figures forexpenditure in 1998-99 and 1999-2000 are not available._________________________________________________________________________________________________.Project name/sector Commitment £ million Expiry dateParastatal Reform and PrivatisationPrivatisation Agency 2.1 2000Civil Service ReformJudicial Training 1.6 1999Zimbabwe Republic Police 6.5 2001Landrovers for Zimbabwe Republic Police 8.5 2002Women's Civil Education 1.0 2001Capacity Building within Local GovernmentRural District Council Institutional 10.6 2002Development ProjectHealthSexual Health 9.2 1999Support to Health Policy Development and 0.75 1999Planning DepartmentSocial Marketing of Condoms 2.0 2001Interim Health Management Strengthening 3.0 1998Water and SanitationWater Quality Analysis Laboratory 0.9 1999Bikita Integrated Rural Water Supply and 2.3 2000SanitationLupane Integrated Rural Water Supply and 3.5 2002SanitationWater Point Upgrading/Rehabilitation 0.9 2000National Water Resources Strategy 0.5 1999CARE Small Dams Rehabilitation 2.0 2001Renewable Natural ResourcesCrop Post Harvest Programme 0.75 1999Assistance to Department of Veterinary 0.9 1999ServicesPrivate Sector DevelopmentCredit for the Informal Sector 1.3 2000Takura Investments 0.5 2000Agribusiness Entrepreneur Network and 0.5 2000Training DevelopmentAssistance to Developing Enterprises Project 1.4 2000Team_________________________________________________________________________________________________.