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Anne Frances Milton
answer text
<p><ins class="ministerial">We are developing 15 prestigious technical routes that will set a clear pathway through apprenticeships and new flagship T level programmes to skilled employment for young people.</ins></p><p><ins class="ministerial">High quality apprenticeships offer an excellent means of progression for many young people leaving education, giving them the skills valued by employers.</ins></p><p><ins class="ministerial">T levels are classroom based, level 3 study programmes and will provide a distinctive and rigorous technical alternative to A levels. A substantial, high-quality industry placement will be an essential part of each T level giving students the chance to put into practice the technical skills they have learned in the classroom.</ins></p><p><ins class="ministerial">Training and qualifications within the technical education routes are being designed and developed by employers - so that students can be confident they are getting the skills that employers need.</ins></p><p><ins class="ministerial">The reformed technical routes will ensure we unlock all the talents of young people across the country, no matter where they come from, and support them into strong, rewarding jobs and careers.</ins></p><p> </p><p><del class="ministerial">We are developing 15 prestigious technical routes to set a clear pathway through apprenticeships and new flagship T levels to skilled employment for young people.</del></p><p><br /><del class="ministerial">We are working with employers to design the content for T levels, which will provide in future a distinctive and rigorous technical alternative to A levels.</del></p><p><br /><del class="ministerial">But apprenticeships must be of high quality. I am pleased that the move from the old frameworks to the new standards has seen the proportion of these apprenticeships in the number of all starts grow from 3% to 36% since last year.</del></p><p><br /><del class="ministerial">Traineeships for those most distant from the labour market are yielding good results. With two thirds progessing to positive destinations and reporting high levels of satifaction (82%). With 84% saying it helped them gain the skills they need.</del></p>
answer given date
Indexing & Search URI
correcting answer has question
answer replaces answer
answer has answering body
Department for Education
written answer has answering body
Department for Education
Department for Education
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
answer is replaced by answer
question has answer
question has correcting answer
Anne Frances Milton
answering person has answer