<p>Alongside the Onshore Wind Call for Evidence which concluded in June 2013, DECC commissioned Frontier Economics to undertake an evidence review of onshore wind electricity generation, focusing on international evidence of government initiatives to support such investment and deployment.</p><p>The report was split into two parts; part 1 compared support levels across 26 countries and regions, while part 2 analysed the differences in support levels and</p><p>costs of onshore wind in the UK compared to five country case studies—Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland and Poland. The full report and external peer review can be found here:</p><p>Frontier report</p><p>https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/205620/international_support_onshore_wind_frontier.pdf</p><p>Peer review</p><p>https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/204910/peer_review_international_support_onshore_wind.pdf</p> |