Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Angela Smith
answer text
Lady Hermon: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what resources were allocated to the Queen's Festival in each of thepast five years; and what percentage of the total arts budget this represents. [178525]Angela Smith: The following table shows resources allocated to the Belfast Festival at Queen's in each of the last five years. Thefigures in brackets show the Arts Council's allocation expressed as a percentage of its total expenditure on the arts, fromExchequer funds, in each year.£_________________________________________________________________________________________________.Arts Council of Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Northern Ireland TotalEvents Company Tourist Board1999-2000 105,000 (1.4%) 150,000 15,720 270,7202000-01 92,500 (1.33%) 100,000 15,000 207,5002001-02 107,500 (1.26%) 100,000 15,000 222,5002002-03 102,500 (1.49%) 87,955 13,800 204,2552003-04 190,000 (1.73%) -- -- 190,000_________________________________________________________________________________________________.In addition to the above, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland provided National Lottery funding for Belfast Festival at Queen's ineach of the last five years as follows:_________________________________________________________________________________________________.National Lottery funding (£) Percentage of Lottery proceeds for thearts in Northern Ireland (Percentage)1999-2000 100,948 1.222000-01 86,500 0.962001-02 250,444 2.712002-03 101,789 1.192003-04 143,238 2.01_________________________________________________________________________________________________.
answer given date
answer has answering body
Northern Ireland Office
written answer has answering body
Northern Ireland Office
Northern Ireland Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Angela Smith
answering person has answer