<p>DFID provides significant support to protect children from violence around the world in both development and humanitarian contexts. Funding is delivered directly through child protection programming, as well as through wider education, nutrition, health, economic development and social protection programming. Current examples of support include providing £5 million to the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children that is driving international progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 16.2 and on which the Secretary of State is a board member, £26 million to a Regional Programme in Asia targeting the worst forms of child labour and £29.7 million to Education Cannot Wait, a global fund for education in emergencies which has protection at its centre.</p><p> </p><p>There are currently no codes or markers within the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) database that allow for the systematic identification and tracking of all spending on protecting children from violence. World Vision International is currently working with DFID, alongside other development partners, civil society and the DAC to explore whether a new process for identifying donor spend on violence against children can be agreed.</p>