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Written answer
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Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
<p>TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) was designed by DFID and officially launched in February 2011 as a multi-donor, specialist agency on trade facilitation and economic integration. DFID currently provides £85.44 million (56% of TMEA secured funds) alongside funding from Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden. TMEA focuses on cutting the costs of trade and the national implementation of regional trade agreements in order to increase regional trade competitiveness. Key outcomes expected by 2016 include: a 15% reduction in transport time across East Africa; a 10% increase in export values (above trend), and a 25% increase (above trend) in the share of intra-regional trade as a proportion of East Africa's total trade.</p><p>These outcomes are targeted for achievement by 2016. Outcomes are not targeted by year as the nature of such regional programmes means that it can take time for outcomes to be achieved, but progress is tracked each year through indicators such as: the reduction in average</p><p>time to import or export a container to or from Burundi and Rwanda to East African ports; the total value of exports from the East African Community (EAC) region to the rest of the world; and the percentage share of intra-regional exports among EAC countries as a proportion of total exports. The annual targets for these indicators are currently being reviewed and we expect to finalise them in the new year. An independent review in early 2012 concluded that TMEA had built a strong foundation and is on track to speed up trade in East Africa by 15%.</p>
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Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer