<p>In financial year 2011-12, 96% of total departmental expenditure limit (DEL) was spent on official development assistance (ODA).</p><p>In financial year 2010-11, expenditure on Aid for Trade and Trade Facilitation as a proportion of DEL out-turn for 2010-11 was 17%. This includes bilateral expenditure and an imputed share of multilateral expenditure on these sectors.</p><p>Imputed multilateral expenditure for 2011-12 is not yet available. Bilateral expenditure on Aid for Trade and Trade Facilitation represents 5% of DEL out-turn for 2011-12.</p><p>Further information on the Department's aid spending can be found in the Statistics in Development publication:</p><p>https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-international-development/about/statistics</p>