Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Byron Davies
answer text
<p>There is no single source of data on the number of occasions that emergency services have attended incidents at railway stations or on railway tracks.</p><p>Data on incidents on public transport attended by the British Transport Police in Great Britain may be found in British Transport Police ‘<em>Use of force statistics’</em>.</p><p>Data on incidents attended at public transport locations by police forces in England and Wales may be found in Home Office ‘<em>Police use of force statistics’.</em></p><p>Data on false alarms, accidental and deliberate fires ‘on trains’ attended by the Fire and Rescue Service in England may be found in in Home Office ‘<em>Fire statistics’</em>:</p><ul><li>Accidental and deliberate fires: Table 0303 - Fires, fatalities and non-fatal casualties in outdoor primary locations and secondary fires by motive and location, England.</li><li>False alarms: False alarms dataset 2017 to 2023</li></ul><p>The department does not hold data on the number of incidents attended by NHS England Ambulance services at railway stations or railway tracks.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for Transport
written answer has answering body
Department for Transport
Department for Transport
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Byron Davies
answering person has answer