<p>Improving health and safety in Bangladesh was discussed at senior official level at the EU Director General meeting in June.</p><p>Duty-free, quota-free access to EU markets is granted to Bangladesh on the basis of need in line with agreed EU regulations and there is no provision for the use of additional conditionally. DFID does not believe that it would be appropriate to link Bangladesh's preferential access to EU markets directly to health and safety regulations. Any reduction in Bangladesh's market access would result in immediate and long-term harm to the livelihoods of poor Bangladeshi workers. A better approach is reflected in the ‘Compact’ signed on 8 July between the EU, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Government of Bangladesh committing Bangladesh to improvements in occupational health and safety. DFID officials, including in our Bangladesh office are also working closely with European counterparts and others to co-ordinate action to improve health and safety in Bangladesh.</p>