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Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Gregory Barker
answer text
<p>The Department's latest monthly Green Deal/ECO statistical release, published on 17 October, showed that 954 Green Deal Plans in Great Britain had at least reached the 'quote accepted' stage by the end of September. Of those 954 Plans, 57 were 'live' with energy efficiency measures installed by the end of September.</p><p>There have been 85,177 Green Deal Assessments lodged up to the end of September and research published on 17 September showed that 81% of households who</p><p>had a Green Deal Assessment between April and June 2013 said they have, are getting or intend to install at least one energy saving measure using various forms of finance.</p><p>The Department also publishes more detailed breakdowns on the Green Deal/ECO via a quarterly statistical series. The latest available information covers January to June 2013, and includes tables showing the number of Green Deal Assessments by parliamentary constituency, by nation and by region. In future, we intend to extend the analysis provided in quarterly releases as the data available increases and this will include a breakdown of information on Green Deal Plans.</p><p>The latest monthly statistical release can be found at:</p><p></p><p>The latest quarterly statistical release can be found at:</p><p></p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department of Energy and Climate Change
written answer has answering body
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Department of Energy and Climate Change
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Gregory Barker
answering person has answer