<p>The Prosperity Fund programme in Brazil will support better public services, more sustainable energy and investment, and more efficient international trade. The programme is evolving to ‘build back better’ after the COVID-19 pandemic, including focusing on vulnerable groups and in the Amazon region, working on issues such as solar energy, primary health, and skills development. All Prosperity Fund programmes follow robust due diligence procedures and take a ‘do no harm’ approach as a minimum standard. The UK is working with indigenous communities across Brazil, including in the Amazon region. The UK supports the REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) Early Movers programme, which helps indigenous communities to develop sustainable income sources and strengthen food security: 19,593 families have benefitted so far. Through Partnerships for Forests, the UK also supports almost 2,000 indigenous people to strengthen livelihoods through sustainable forest management. The UK Government is committed to promoting and defending the human rights of all individuals, including indigenous peoples.</p> |