Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Damian Howard Green
answer text
<p>The Ministry of Justice welcomes the report “At risk, yet dismissed” for highlighting the support needs of people with mental health problems who are victims of crime.</p><p>The new Victims' Code, published on 29 October 2013, provides enhanced support at every stage of the criminal justice system for people with mental health problems, including a new entitlement to ask that special measures be used in court, which the CPS will take into account when deciding whether to make an application for special measures, and information about the support that can be provided by registered intermediaries. When the new Code is implemented in December, we will publish guides to the Code for victims, including an easy-read and video summary, which will include information on special measures and support at court.</p><p>We are providing more money than ever before to support victims of crime. Emotional and practical support for victims of crime, including those with mental health problems, is currently commissioned centrally by the Ministry of Justice, the majority provider of these support services being Victim Support. In future Police and Crime Commissioners will be responsible for commissioning the majority of support services according to local need. They are best placed to join with commissioners for health and social care locally to address support provision for people with mental heath problems who are victims of crime, as is recommended by the report.</p><p>I have asked my officials to meet with the authors and to consider the recommendations further as we implement the new approach to commissioning services for victims and wider reforms to the criminal justice system.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Ministry of Justice
written answer has answering body
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Damian Howard Green
answering person has answer