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Written answer
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Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
<p>The UK swiftly condemned the recent car bomb attack in Bogotá and offered condolences to the families of the victims, including via a UK-drafted statement by the United Nations Security Council. We continue to offer our unwavering support to the Colombian authorities as they seek to ensure sustainable peace in Colombia. In the week following the attack, the UK used its position as pen-holder at the UN on the Colombian peace process to reiterate our support for the implementation of the Peace Agreement. We also called for the protection of Human Rights Defenders and greater coordination between Colombia's state institutions in former conflict areas. Karen Pierce, the UK's Permanent Representative to the UN, met Colombian Foreign Minister Holmes Trujillo to pledge our continued support for the FARC Peace Agreement and to discuss the way forward regarding the ELN in the wake of the 17 January attack.</p><p>I was in New York last weekend for a Security Council meeting on the ongoing crisis in Venezuela - I also used this opportunity to discuss Colombia's peace process with Mr Holmes Trujillo.</p><p>The UK continues to provide extensive support to Colombia's peace process: this was reaffirmed by my December 2018 announcement of an additional £5m in funding provided through the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). This brought our contribution to Colombia's peace process to over £39m since 2015. The CSSF funds numerous programmes in Colombia to reintegrate former combatants and stabilise former conflict areas.</p>
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Foreign and Commonwealth Office
written answer has answering body
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer