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Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
<p>Under a new five year strategy approved in May 2012, CDC's new investments will focus solely on supporting the growth of businesses and job creation across Africa and South Asia. CDC now invests particularly in the harder places, where the private sector is weak and jobs are scarce, and in sectors where growth leads to most jobs, such as manufacturing, agribusiness, infrastructure, financial institutions, construction, health and education.</p><p>In 2012, CDC was supporting over 1,200 businesses in 77 countries, which are providing over 1 million jobs. Recent CDC investments include Export Trading Group, a pan-African agribusiness company employing over 7,000 people and supporting hundreds of thousands of small farmers; and Au Financiers, a non-bank finance company in India specialising in providing finance to entrepreneurs for the acquisition of small and medium-sized commercial vehicles.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer