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Written answer
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Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
<p>The UK is committed to working to align EU-UK development policy including in Africa, and to ensure EU aid is increasingly focused on demonstrating clear results and value for money.</p><p>The UK Multilateral Aid Review (MAR) provided a comprehensive analysis of multilateral performance. The European development fund (EDF) was among the top performers for delivering effective, transparent aid and inclusive partnerships. It is less effective in demonstrating results and communicating impact. These issues continue to be addressed by discussions in Brussels and regular MAR reporting from DFID country offices.</p><p>The UK has provided significant inputs into the EU's new Development Policy: 'An Agenda for Change'. Consequently this reflects a large number of UK priorities, including greater focus on results and impact, and more emphasis on monitoring and evaluation.</p><p>I am strongly supportive of the EU's focus of regional economic integration in Africa as a driver of growth. My Department is seeking alignment on policies on regional integration and infrastructure, and has made the largest financial contribution to the EU Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund of all member states.</p><p>Given the significance of Budget Support in Africa, I have been particularly keen to align our position with the EU. The Commission's policy paper on Budget Support entitled 'The Future Approach to EU Budget Support to Third Countries' strongly reflects our own position and demonstrates the results and value for money expected of future EU budget support programmes.</p><p>DFID has extensively collaborated on the EU Horn of Africa strategy. I have led discussions specifically on Somalia with the Commission and other member states to align our positions. The Commission attended the recent UK Conference on Somalia where we agreed goals and objectives.</p>
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Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer