<p>On 23 May, I announced the findings of the ‘Review of the Tax Arrangements of Public Sector Appointees’. This set out the extent of senior off payroll engagements across Government—and made recommendations to ensure that Government employers can assure themselves that their senior off payroll staff are meeting their tax obligations.</p><p>The review identified over 2,400 engagements that cost central Government Departments and their arm's length bodies more than £58,200 per annum. As set out in the review, the majority of these individuals are paid on a daily basis—and of these around 70% of engagements involved a daily cost to the Department of more than £400 and around 25% involved a daily cost of more than £600.</p><p>The review did not, however, calculate the total number of appointees earning more than a certain figure per annum. Around 85% of the individuals identified were paid via an intermediary such as an employment agency—and it was therefore not possible to determine with certainty the amount of money paid to the individual, as opposed to the intermediary, over a one year period.</p> |