<p>The following table provides a summary of the performance results for non-SCS staff for whom the DCLG process applied. This is based on 1,032 staff who declared their disability (90% declaration rate):</p><p><table><thead><tr><td valign="top">Percentage<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Disability<br /></td><td valign="top">Exceptional<br /></td><td valign="top">Good<br /></td><td valign="top">Developmentneeded<br /></td><td valign="top">Total<br /></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td valign="top">Notdisabled<br /></td><td valign="top">30<br /></td><td valign="top">64<br /></td><td valign="top">6<br /></td><td valign="top">100<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Disabled<br /></td><td valign="top">25<br /></td><td valign="top">60<br /></td><td valign="top">15<br /></td><td valign="top">100<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Overall<br /></td><td valign="top">30<br /></td><td valign="top">64<br /></td><td valign="top">6<br /></td><td valign="top">100<br /></td></tr></tbody></table></p><p>The Department was an early adopter of the new civil service performance management process in 2012-13. We will be monitoring whether the differential remains the case next year, and looking at how disabled staff fare in other HR processes, to determine whether there is a trend and, if so, to agree appropriate action.</p><p>All staff are expected to agree individually tailored personal development plans with their line managers and review them regularly so they benefit from at least five days learning and development each year.</p><p>DCLG provides a reasonable adjustments service to ensure disabled staff can access and benefit from the full range of training and development available.</p><p>The Department's Disability Champion is working with the disability staff network in raising awareness of disability issues to the wider Department.</p>