The Department for international Development's (DFID) central accounting records show the following items have been reported as lost or stolen within the past 12 months.<Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD>Estimated current replacement cost (£)</TD></TR><TR><TD>17 laptops</TD><TD>5,070</TD></TR><TR><TD>Three mobile phones</TD><TD>159</TD></TR><TR><TD>One Blackberry</TD><TD>332</TD></TR><TR><TD>Two memory sticks</TD><TD>16</TD></TR><TR><TD>Total</TD><TD>5,577</TD></TR></Table>It is the responsibility of DFID staff to ensure that valuable items of official equipment are adequately protected. If items are lost or stolen, staff must submit a report to security section setting out the circumstances leading up to the loss. Follow-up action, including formal disciplinary procedures where required, will be invoked by the line manager.