Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Angela Smith
answer text
The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated July 2009:"As National Statistician I have been asked to reply to your recent question asking what steps are planned to collect information from Travellers in the 2011 Census. (288261)""We are making special preparations to enumerate the Gypsy and Traveller community and these will be trialled in the Census Rehearsal which takes place on 11 October 2009 in areas within Newham, Lancaster and Isle of Anglesey. In developing the plans we are working closely with local authorities' Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officers, and are liaising with Gypsy and Traveller community groups.""Advance information about traveller sites will be gathered including any requirements for help with literacy or sight or hearing impairment issues. Authorised sites will be visited as pre-arranged with the site manager to hand deliver questionnaires. Transit sites and any temporary roving caravans, travelling fairs and circuses will also be visited on Rehearsal day to complete both delivery and collection of questionnaires.""Following face-to-face meetings with a number of Roma and Romani community leaders and support organisations, plus direct meetings with representations of Travellers and Gypsy communities, we are planning to recruit directly from those communities to help overcome issues of literacy, language and concerns about confidentiality. The community leaders themselves have also offered to support our Census awareness campaign.""Following the Rehearsal the procedures will be evaluated and adapted as necessary prior to the 2011 Census. We are continuing to improve contact with Gypsy and Traveller groups through the community liaison programme.""The proposed 2011 Census ethnic group question includes for the first time a specific category for 'Gypsy or Irish Traveller'. A write-in option is also available for those Travellers who may wish to identify themselves in any other way."
answer given date
answer has answering body
Cabinet Office
written answer has answering body
Cabinet Office
Cabinet Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Angela Smith
answering person has answer