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Written answer
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answer has answering person
Robert Edward Jenrick
answer text
<p>The Home Office publishes data on asylum decisions, appeals, support, and detention and returns in the ‘<a href="" target="_blank">Immigration System Statistics Quarterly Release</a>’.</p><p>The following data is available:</p><p>In the ‘<a href="" target="_blank">asylum and resettlement detailed datasets</a>’:</p><p>- initial decisions made on asylum applications, including withdrawals: table Asy_D02</p><p>- outcomes of asylum appeals raised at the First-Tier Tribunal: table Asy_D07</p><p>- asylum seekers in receipt of support, by support type and accommodation type: table Asy_D09</p><p>In the ‘<a href="" target="_blank">returns and detention datasets</a>’:</p><p>- people in immigration detention</p><p>- returns, including asylum-related returns</p><p>Information on how to use the datasets can be found in the ‘Notes’ page of the workbooks. The latest data relate to the year ending March 2023, with the exception of returns which cover up to December 2022. Information on future Home Office statistical release dates can be found in the ‘<a href=";content_store_document_type=upcoming_statistics&amp;organisations%5B%5D=home-office&amp;order=relevance" target="_blank">Research and statistics calendar</a>’.</p><p>These datasets are published separately, meaning it is not possible to link between them to know whether, for example, an asylum seeker with a withdrawn claim was receiving support or lodged an appeal.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Home Office
written answer has answering body
Home Office
Home Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Robert Edward Jenrick
answering person has answer